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What are the Downside of Taking Biotin Gummies?

The awareness for the gummies has increases manifold in the past decade. Everyone is getting more conscious about their looks and then this makes them find treatments to deal with these insecurities. Biotin gummies for skin is one of the many types of gummies which got hyped in the recent times. These gummies are believed to do wonders on their skin. Let’s have a look at the various benefits which these gummies confer and also then discuss some of the major downsides of taking these gummies.

First let’s start with biotin. Biotin is the vitamin B7 which is also known as the vitamin H where H stands for hair and skin in German.  This vitamin is the beauty booster and its deficiency can cause hair loss and make the skin dull and dry. Hence, biotin is given in the form of supplements and diet to improve the said condition. The biotin improves the metabolism has it aids the breakdown of macronutrients which forms the energy. Biotin is also involved in the regulation of the blood sugar, it also improves the collagen production. Biotin accelerates the formation of the follicles and it also minimizes the hair breakage. These gummies also include keratin which is the protein which boosts the hair strength. The inositol is the vitamin B8 which helps in regulating the insulin levels, folate also called the vitamin B9.

Downsides of Biotin Gummies are –

·         These gummies are relatively very safe to take as no evidence has been found which states that biotin is toxic for human body. The average biotin requirement of an adult is 30 to 100mcg however the gummies contain 5000 to 10,000mcg of biotin in them.

·         However there have been reports that biotin can cause false lab results of many tests such as of thyroid hormone, vitamin D and troponin which is involved in the test of heart attack.

·         Since biotin can increase the energy it can often lead to difficulty in sleeping.

·         Some people can have allergies of some ingredient. Hence, allergies can lead to redness, swelling and hives on the skin.

·         Overeating the biotin gummies can lead to digestive discomfort which can lead to constipation, vomiting and nausea.

Arechar Nutra presents Vitagoli which are the Gummies for hair growth and thickness. They provide vitamins which make the hair thick and lustrous. The gummies also hydrates the scalp and they also protects the scalp from dandruff. The gummies also improves the skin and nails.


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