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What are the Side Effects of Biotin Gummies?

Biotin gummies are slowly making their way into our lifestyle. In today fast fast-moving world full of stress our hair and skin are the ones that take the toll. Biotin is the magical vitamin that does its wonders on our hair skin and nails. But is it all good or does biotin have side effects that might harm the body? Let's find out.

Biotin is a Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H. H here stands for ‘haar and haut’ which means hair and skin in German. Biotin is taken in the form of yummy gummies to make the eating experience pleasant. They are full of multivitamins that possess a plethora of benefits for hair skin and nails –

• Fasten the growth of hair by speeding the production and recovery of the hair follicles.

• Biotin gummies strengthen the nails and prevent them from breaking and being brittle.

• Biotin gummies for skin helps in nourishment and elasticity of the skin. It also reduces

the instances of skin problems.

• It moisturizes the skin and scalp and also reduces the dryness and split ends of hair.

Biotin hair gummies with multivitamin are very safe to eat even in slightly excess quantities. But their overeating should be strictly prohibited. However, if biotin is taken in excessive quantities then the following side effects can be experienced –

• Digestive discomfort – Over-eating of the gummies can cause stomach pain. It can also

lead to the feeling of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even bloating.

• Skin problems – Taking excess biotin increases the acne on akin. It happens as excess

biotin decreases the absorption of vitamins that prevent acne.

• Allergic reaction – Some of the ingredients in the gummy can cause an allergic

response. Redness of skin, rashes, swelling, and breathlessness are some of the initial

symptoms of an allergic reaction.

• Insomnia – Biotin helps in the breakdown of macronutrients. This generates lots of

energy and as a result, might lead to trouble in sleeping.

• Interaction with other medicines – Biotin supplements can interact with some of the

medications. Consequently, it can interfere with the mechanism of action of the drug.

• Kidney issues – People already suffering from kidney disorders should avoid biotin as it

being a water-soluble vitamin is not excreted properly.

• Increased thirst – Biotin regulates the blood sugar levels. Excess biotin leads to excess

glucose breakdown which as a result leads to excessive thirst.

When biotin gummies are taken in dangerously extreme quantities the person experiences tingling in feet and arms, and can even experience nerve damage in some cases.


Arechar Nutra’s Vitagoli Hair Skin and Nails Gummies are one of the safe options in the market. They are full of multivitamins that accelerate hair growth while also nourishing the skin and strengthening the nails.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

When do these biotin gummies show results?

Taking the gummies for four to five months regularly shows visible results.

What are the other components of biotin gummies?

Biotin gummies also contain collagen, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E. They can also contain folate and keratin.

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